About Me

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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Today I had difficulty keeping my eyes fully opened. I was tired from too many late nights and early rising. I ran several errands in town after work like picking up a package of 25 ear tags for my little bull calves for ($120.06 tax included) , gassed up the car and picked up some grocery. I rush home for lunch and picked up my Friday mail. Such sweet surprise to find an envelope from Deb Reardon with her CD in it. I rushed home and put it in the CD player and listen to her calming music while I ate.  Such a treat. Thanks so much Deb, your generosity is greatly appreciated.

Then I grabbed my peeler and made my way to church to peel potatoes for the church supper, no photos of that because it never dawned on me to bring it along. I peeled along with others for about three hours and was thrilled when they asked me if I wanted the peelings for the squash and potatoes. One of my compost bin was totally empty and the other had about a foot of material left in it. Now it's full to the brim and the other has good foot of peeling.

I baked three carrots cakes which I will ice with cream cheese frosting tomorrow. Two for the church and the other is for my husband' s sweet tooth...

Two Carrot cakes for the church supper.

Tomorrow I work in the morning and after brunch I 'm back to church for mass and then to cut about 130 pies with my helper, Margaret until 6:00pm. We do this every year, twice a year. So I need to catch up on my zzzzzz...
Thanks for following my blog and for leaving your comments.   JB