Are we ready for winter yet? Not I... I don't mind a nice light snow on Christmas Eve to give a special glow to the celebration of Christmas but this year, it seems to come faster and more furious.
This is our second snow storm this month and we are only in mid-November. It's still snowing...

On a happy note, my Christmas Cactus is blooming.

The first snowstorm was mixed with rain and suddenly it turned bitter cold like in January and the slush froze, leaving patches of ice. Now walking outside can be very treacherous for us old fragile bone women because the new snow covers all those patches of ice. I hurt my shoulder badly last year and I had a fall in the barn recently while moving hay. I fell ever so gently in the hay but my shoulder cannot take any more trauma so I'm in constant pain when I move my arm. We got two new calves on Wednesday but I can manage with my son's help.
We had a huge windstorm on November 4 that cut power to about 90,000 households in our area. There was a power surge at the farm that fried our water pump in the deep well and we had to use a garden hose hooked to my sister in law's well for water to wash the milk tank and equipment, milk bottles etc. and to water the herd. It took so long to get our work done. We could not have any plumber to come to remove the pump from the well for another 2 days. My daughter and son in law were without power for several days. I can't remember how many hours, but it was a long time.
As if this was not enough, on the weekend the bull injured his hind leg and had to be put in a pen in my end of the barn. No one can figure out how he injured his leg. He's a big mean bull but somehow, he has never given me the evil eye like the old one did so I took care of him. The vet came and said that we would have to get rid of him but the guy who picks up our cull cows only comes once a week so we had to wait. So now we have no breeding bull. To make a long bull story short, he broke the connection to his water bowl and when I came in that morning I found a large pool of water where my two round bales of hay were and all the newly cleaned cow beds full of water. It's not the first time it happens. The problem with these water bowls is that they have plastic connectors instead of metal ones.
I just got a call from my son telling me how slippery it is out there and to be careful.
I'm off to the farm to feed my little ones.
I'm looking forward to my retirement at the end of the month but I'm not expecting any gold watch and or gold pens. I'll be just happy to hang up my barn boots.
Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and warm.
Hugs, Julia
This is our second snow storm this month and we are only in mid-November. It's still snowing...

On a happy note, my Christmas Cactus is blooming.

The first snowstorm was mixed with rain and suddenly it turned bitter cold like in January and the slush froze, leaving patches of ice. Now walking outside can be very treacherous for us old fragile bone women because the new snow covers all those patches of ice. I hurt my shoulder badly last year and I had a fall in the barn recently while moving hay. I fell ever so gently in the hay but my shoulder cannot take any more trauma so I'm in constant pain when I move my arm. We got two new calves on Wednesday but I can manage with my son's help.
We had a huge windstorm on November 4 that cut power to about 90,000 households in our area. There was a power surge at the farm that fried our water pump in the deep well and we had to use a garden hose hooked to my sister in law's well for water to wash the milk tank and equipment, milk bottles etc. and to water the herd. It took so long to get our work done. We could not have any plumber to come to remove the pump from the well for another 2 days. My daughter and son in law were without power for several days. I can't remember how many hours, but it was a long time.
As if this was not enough, on the weekend the bull injured his hind leg and had to be put in a pen in my end of the barn. No one can figure out how he injured his leg. He's a big mean bull but somehow, he has never given me the evil eye like the old one did so I took care of him. The vet came and said that we would have to get rid of him but the guy who picks up our cull cows only comes once a week so we had to wait. So now we have no breeding bull. To make a long bull story short, he broke the connection to his water bowl and when I came in that morning I found a large pool of water where my two round bales of hay were and all the newly cleaned cow beds full of water. It's not the first time it happens. The problem with these water bowls is that they have plastic connectors instead of metal ones.
I just got a call from my son telling me how slippery it is out there and to be careful.
I'm off to the farm to feed my little ones.
I'm looking forward to my retirement at the end of the month but I'm not expecting any gold watch and or gold pens. I'll be just happy to hang up my barn boots.
Thanks for stopping by. Stay safe and warm.
Hugs, Julia