About Me

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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


It's Wednesday already and time to go visit Patrice on her porch. I'm not as bright and early as last week but I'm getting there. Yup....... I overslept this morning. I just rolled around on my side and fell back asleep and was 15 minutes late for work.

If you haven't been to Patrice's blog today, it's worth it just to go see a priceless photo of Wendell, her horse.
 Here are today's questions :

  1. Do you prefer wallpaper or paint?                I used to love wallpaper but the honeymoon is over, now,  I prefer paint. No more wallpaper for me. 
  2. What qualities make a good friend?  Integrity, dependability, tolerance and humorous
  3. Are you planning a summer vacation? What is a vacation? I need to look it up in a dictionary. 
  4. Do you have a garage, carport, park on the street or park in your driveway? I have a garage and my car is usually parked in it but not this week as we are using the garage to organize storage. 
  5. Tell me something interesting about your week. (oops- please).    I'm caring for a wounded older calf who went where she was not supposed to go and got herself wedged in a precarious position and tried to escape and ended up injuring her right front thigh. We had to cut bars to the feeder to free her.
Thanks for the questions Patrice. Ask wendell what kind of tooth paste does he use?  His teeth are so white........  Have a great week . 

Hugs,  JB

I'm just adding this from last year photos for a color splash to brighten my day.
I'm still trying to navigate the new Blogger and had difficulty finding the Edit button.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.  Have a wonderful rest of the week.  JB