About Me

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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


For some reason, I'm so tired today. It's not even funny.  I tossed and turned in bed and ended up in the middle of my king size bed, It never happens. I usually hug my side pretty steady and barely move from my spot by morning. This happened two nights in a row.  Season change is in the making and I'm like a werewolf I think... and it's not even full moon on September 8 yet...

I prepared a big pot of spaghetti for the boys' lunch and I was so tired today that I needed to lay down before lunch. I didn't slept well last night. I woke up around 1:00am and couldn't get back to sleep right away like I usually do.

This afternoon, instead of going to weed in the hot sun, I grabbed my faithful Canon camera and went for a painful walk up the fields. My hips have been bothering some for a while now and when I get up from a sitting position, I walk like an old lady until my joints gets oiled, lol... and I'm only 67.

It was hot and muggy as I walked by the farm and up the field and there was so much dust flying about. There has been so much activity going on for the last several weeks at the farm... Heavy equipment coming and going. My husband George is building a new tarp barn to store his hay as our small hot house for the hay collapsed last winter and was a total loss. There's sand being dug up and top soil being moved and composting cow bedding being moved, hay being cut and raked and baled and silage being wrapped. It's been a beehive of activities, not to mention, cattle pick up, milk pickup and cow calving. We had three calving in the last three days.

For the new tarp barn, a trench was dug and I didn't go take pictures, then the footing forms were put in place and  cement was poured for the footing and then forms went up for the foundation and again cement was poured and the the forms were removed and I  finally went to take pictures because I was too tired to weed in the heat.

Here are some of the things I saw on my walk to the this side of the fields and back. From the farm to the end of the fields is about a mile long. I only went a short distance.

The foundation is ready. The building is a wee bit wider than the old cement floor and the trench will be filled with sand for now.

A truck load of sand driven by a lady.

A load of round baled silage ready for wrapping

A big loader with bucket

The big rake taken a little rest.

 The liquid manure spreader without the pump attachment. That pump is behind the barn and I didn't take a picture of it.

George big patch of squash for the church. he has a good crop this year.

Some stored hay in the old unfinished horse barn

Reid going for another load  with the empty hay wagon. It holds 12 large round bales of hay

The tarp barn built in 2012 filled to overflow at both ends and more hay to store.

The tarp from the dismantled hot house hay storage that collapsed last winter in heavy snow storm.

Another truck coming with a load of either top soil or sand. I didn't ask George as he was busy wrapping silage.

Three long windrows of composting bedding that should be ready for next year.

The over flowing tarp barn

More hay to store

Big piles of sand from our sand pit

 The frame for my old hot house that we had to remove when we had our deep well dug. I miss my hot house. It now sit in one of our many old hay wagon.

I'm now at a split in the road and ahead is a freshly cut hay field. It's the second cut.

This field goes for as far as the eye can see

View from where I came from. You can see the old hay wagons all lined up.

When I turned left there is yet another pasture that goes for ever.

This field had been freshly seeded with the Brillion seeder. The seagulls are having a field day picking earth worm and insects.

The blue truck is coming with another load

At the road junction the white truck driven by a lady is returning empty and is going for another load while Read is coming in with a load of  silage bales.

A bi loader is going to the field to load dirt.

This machine is used to mow under the electric fences otherwise when the grass gets too long it shorts the electric fences when it rains and the cows gets out.

George wrapping silage.

Bales of silage waiting to be wrapped, and in the back ground is the old retired manure spreader but is still usable but unsatisfactory for our operation.

The very old snow blower going to scrap metal.

frames of the of the hay storage hothouse that collapsed last winter and steel rods all going to scrap metal.

I'm not sure what George uses this attachment for. It's parked by the barn and tweeds are covering it.

This is a rock picker and my husband also uses it to clear the fields from driftwood when we get a flood. Picking driftwood used to take days to pick up by hand, now a machine does the work.

This attachment can pick two large bales  at a time weighing around 800 pounds.

Another tractor attachment half hidden in the grass.

This attachment is used to lift pallets. The tines are flat.

This machine is a tiller.

The green plow is 8 feet long and is used in snow removal

A big bucket attachment

The old retired haybine

A manure bucket that was left unclean

The new haybine. That's the hay cutting machine. It cuts hay very fast.

The old Brillion seeder still in use.

The disk attachment

The plow that was used last week to plow the field lost one of the disk in the front,  in the field during plowing by an unexperienced operator.

This is the old David Brown tractor and backhoe digging the base of the old silo. The silage was 30 years old under there and was still fresh  from lack of air and the heifers were eating it like it was fresh silage.

There are still some equipments I haven't showed like the Skid steer in the barn and the baler way out of site in the field.
All these photos on my walk from the barn to the fields.

I apologize again for the long post.
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