Today is a rainy day so I did things indoors like soup and biscuits for lunch, and I took some garden photos in between raindrops for my poor neglected blog. I went to church for mass and devotions and went to visit my aunt in the hospital, made a nice salmon dinner and uploaded my photos on the computer then my i-library didn't want to cooperate. I despise those external drives on my MacBook Air. Occasionally, they play hide on and seek on me... Grrr... I lost some great flower photos. Oh well...
I've got a lot of work done in the yard but still, I'm not caught up as usual. The weatherman announced showers every day for a week. I moved tones of soil left by the flood, reseeded the damaged spots in the backyard, weeded, planted, pulled out old clumps that overtook the garden, etc. My to-do list is being checked off but somehow, it keeps growing every day. I like to check things off so I can see my progress.
I babysat my little great granddaughter while her mama took her brother to an award ceremony at his school. He received a Citizen Award for being such a sweet helper to his classmates and the teacher. We are all so proud of him. I don't have a picture of this happy event.
My little great granddaughter had a great time at my house but she moves faster than a mosquito and kept me on my toes. I got her to laugh for a picture. After a few hours, I was exhausted... Like her big brother, she is so polite.
These daylilies are usually the first to bloom. This year, they will be later because my husband built a carport and they have more shade. This one on the end is getting more sun than the others.
This spring before the weeds started growing, this area was covered with about by about 6 inches of soil and compost from my son's garden that migrated here in the flood. Free fertile soil for me but so much hard work to remove and spread in my garden.
There were a lot of big weeds like Angelica, Burdocks, Creeping Charlies, Milkweeds, Couch Grass, Dandelions, and other weeds growing at the end of the back garden that I cut down this week. This is the third year in a row that I reclaim a little bit more space for my vegetable garden by getting rid of the weeds by digging them out totally. The burdock has big long roots and is difficult to pull. Pictures don't do it justice but I know how hard it was to remove the excess soil and compost. These weeds are beside my shed and my son's shed in the back.
Early this spring after I planted my blueberries, at the end of the newly reclaimed space I put an old strip of jute carpet down to keep the Creeping Charlies from spreading in the garden. The carpet was to keep the creeping Charlies from going to seeds before I could get to them. I'll remove the carpet and I will plant some rhubarbs there. I have bought two varieties, one is called Canada red and the other is called German Wine. I wanted some red rhubarbs. I have an old heirloom variety that I will transplant next spring or this fall. They didn't do so well after my husband tilled them under by accident.
This is the end of the garden after I weeded and chopped down the tall weeds.

One variety of peas are started to blossom.
My spinach is doing so well this year. The leaves are bigger than my hands. This is one big leaf under my hand. We had so much rain, everything is growing well.
This is Couch Grass and it has taken over my old compost area. It is in seeds now and I will have to tackle them sometime this week between raindrops. The roots have to be pulled out or they will root all over again. They are difficult to get rid of but not impossible.
My seat swings are in dire need of cleaning and repainting from the flood damage but it will have to wait. I still enjoy sitting in there for a rest and a break from the sun in my dirty garden cloths. I look like a hillbilly in my old silly straw hat.
My Lady Kim late blooming Lilac is starting to bloom and one of the hostas is getting some buds.
With the anticipation of all the rain we are supposed to get this week, I had to reinforce my peonies. They are growing so tall this year with all the rain we had. I'm afraid they will all droop before I can enjoy their beauty. I have more by the shed.
The tall burgundy and yellow bearded irises are on their way out while others are just starting to bloom in the background.
These mauve irises behind the big rock were given to me by my daughter Jackie. My daylilies in the front are just beginning to bud.
I know this is a lot of photos but I lost some of my best from my photo library when my external drive hickupped because it wasn't ejected properly.
I'm thankful for my faithful visitors who leave comments. I have so many many visitors who are lurkers. I would like to read even small comments from you.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Hugs, Julia