What a fun day I had in St Andrews even though I only knew a few people from our hooking group, I got to meet most of the rug hookers from all over the province and beyond, by going around the tables and asking them if I could take their pictures with name tags so I could remember them for when we meet again. They were all so cooperative and nice about it. I also asked if I could post their pictures on my blog and they all said it was ok.
The three and three-quarter hour drive to St Andrews by the Sea was very pleasant and I saw a total of three deer on my round trip but thankfully, no moose. The weather could not have been any better. It was warm and sunny.
I took a lot of photos of people and Kimm took some photos of the amazing baskets of prizes which I hope she will share on her blog. There were a lot of great prizes but as per usual, I didn't win anything. lol...
Rosie was the little blonde rug hooker Mascot and made her mom proud by being so well-behaved.
Not to be undone, mascot Ebony also made her mom proud by being well-behaved as well but she was a little camera shy. (I hope I got her name right...)

I didn't get the name of this lady as she didn't have a name tag but her hooking was exquisite
and she is with the HRHG rug hooking group in Fredericton, N.B.
Again this lady is from the HRHG group and I forgot to ask her to show me the name tag
so if Kimm read my post, maybe you can give me her name. Her rug is going to look great.
Sharon Cahill from the HRHG group was working on her mug rug.
I hope I'll see her again soon. Having pictures will us to remember.
This lovely lady is Bev F. She's a member of the Tea Room Rug Hookers group from Sussex N.B.
When I asked her if I could take her picture, she recognized me from my blog and said yes and then told me that she has been reading my blog for a long time and she knew all about what I share on my blog.
I was so delightedly surprised that she read my poor neglected blog.
This alone made my trip to St Andrews worthwhile. I hope I'll see her again soon.
Pat Neill was on her lunch break so her rug is not in the picture.
Pat is a member of the Carnegie Hookers, from St John N.B.
Lynn K. is also on her lunch break and is a member of the Carnegie Hookers.
I could not make out her last name as the name tag came on blurry in my photo.

This is Jean McBride, a member of the Carnegie Hooking group of St John N.B. Again,
I've missed seeing the rug she was working on since she was on her lunch break.
Gwen Henry, a member of the Carnegie Hookers, St John N.B. graciously allowed me to interrupt her lunch to take her picture.
This is Della Ackles of Della's Rug Hooking and she came all the way from Amhurst, Nova Scotia to be with us. She was hooking on a metal mesh basket with strips of wool. I was very impressed. Della owns a rug hooking studio where she sells and dye wool. www.dellasrughooking.com
Della was the winner of a huge basket full of goodies. She even got a nice bottle of wine.
Lynne was eating something that looked very yummy. Lynne is a member of the
Newport Loopers of Nova Scotia. I'm so glad you could join us on this beautiful day.
The name is partly hidden by the hair but I think her name was Shelly Myers of Amherst. If I'm wrong, I apologize. I did not have the name of her group. Maybe Kimm, can help me with this.
On the right is Kimm of Evening Matters, Fredericton N.B. Kimm is the contact person for our group.
She is the one who invited me to join her group of rug hookers this year. I met Kimm through a friend's blog. She keeps our group informed on rug-related events and is doing an amazing job. Thanks, Kimm.
On the left is Lita Lewelyn member of the HRHG, and also a member of Evening Matters of Fredericton N.B. Lita is the mom to the little four-legged blonde rug-hooking mascot you saw above.
This is a member of the Quoddy Loopers of St Andrews, who hosted this hook-in.
Since she didn't have a name tag, I'm at a loss to remember her name. Kimm, maybe you can help me with the name.
She lost her sister Sandra to cancer and was giving everyone all of Sandra's wool worms (and there was a huge, huge amount), also lots and lots of patterns, and rug hooking magazines so we could all have a part of her sister spread over New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. This was so generous of her. I took home lots of wool worms and magazines. Thank you for sharing so generously.
This is Mary Jones, the contact person for the Quoddy Loopers of St Andrews. It's so nice putting a face to the lady I contacted to register for the hook-in. Such a lovely lady. I'm sure to return at the next invitation.
Again, I don't have a name for this member of the Quoddy Loopers of St Andrews, N.B. since she didn't have a name tag. I hope to get to better know her next time.
This beautiful smile belongs to Susan Waddy of the Quoddy Loopers of St Andrews N.B. and I'm loving her sunflower rug.
This is our well-known and beloved Doris Norman, accredited teacher of the Pearl McGowan and The Rug hooking Guild of Nova Scotia and an incredible artist. She is also the mom of the little four-legged black rug hooking mascot you saw earlier. Doris is a member of the HRHG group and also of Evening Matters.
This pretty lady is Audrey Norman and a member of the Quoddy Loopers of St Andrews N.B. with a fistful of wool worms.
Check out the dog bowls on the floor.
Another happy rug hooker, showing us her beautiful rug in progress. Cindy Needler of the Quoddy Loopers, St Andrews, N.B.
Lynn Kozak of the Quoddy Loopers, St Andrews N.B. showing her little work of art. I should have asked her what the red thing was.
I don't know who this lovely lady is or from which group she belongs to, but I'm in love with her partridge in a pear tree rug.
This is Theresa Bogle of the Carnegie Hookers of St John N.B. I'm sorry, I cut the top of her head off but I was focusing on her name tag so I could remember her name.
The only gentleman among a sea of rug-hooking women. Alen Tibbetts member of the Carnegie Hookers of St John N.B. I wish I could show you what he was working on.
Another member of the Carnegie Hookers of St John N.B., Lori Landry as her name tag clearly shows. Lori is a friend of Theresa Bogle. Somehow the picture came out of order.
Ann Christenson of SussexN.B. I assume she is with the Tea Room Rug Hookers. She is working on a Christmas punch needle piece.
This is Dorothy McDonald and I have no idea to which group she belongs but she was definitely enjoying her proddy project. Look at those wide strips.
Krista of Evening Matters, Fredericton N.B. was our only seller and was doing a brisk business with the help of her husband in the background. She kept him busy measuring and cutting and folding. Krista is also a rug hooking teacher and was announcing the upcoming rug beginner course. I came home with a lighter wallet. Sorry, I didn't take pictures of her gorgeous wool and supplies. Ironically, Krista lives near my home but I had to go to St Andrews to buy her supplies.
Finally, a selfie of me to finish this post. I'll show you the little progress I did on my Madonna and Child in my next post. I promise a much shorter post and I apologize for the length of this post but I wanted to keep all the photos together to get familiar with all the happy rug hookers.
Happy Hooking everyone and thank you for allowing me to take your photos and be part of this project. I'm very grateful.
Thanks for reading my blog and leaving a comment.