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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Trump on Bringing the BIBLE back to America!

Here is the very short video that I wanted to share with you. I hope that it works this time.

I think that the first one was embedded and that's the reason it wouldn't work. 

Some time ago, I came upon a video about a holy man who used to live in the US and had left everything to go live as a hermit and a pennitant in Loretto, Italy. His name was Thomas Zimmer. 
In 1983, he made the prediction that Donald Trump would bring back God to America.  Time is telling that he might have been right. 
We have to wait and see what will come of it. GOD BLESS AMERICA.



  1. I am glad you found a way to post. Donald Trump scares me and his actions strike me often as very unChristian.

  2. May God bless President Trump and keep him safe from evil.

  3. Glad you found a way to get the video to work so we could see it. Actually think I saw that as an ad on TV at some point.

  4. Trump was not everyone's cup of tea but I'm very hopeful that we can bring America back with God at the helm. Thanks for sharing the video and thanks for your words to us from Canada! Now we all must get to work to be the best we can be and mostly be kind!

  5. May God bless America and President Trump and protect him as he leads the USA back to founding principles. Thanks for the video.

  6. We love President Trump...SO happy it was a landslide!

  7. Hello Julia, thank you for posting this... we are in a true battle. A true spiritual battle.
    We need to bring America back to her true roots. I am praying daily for the protection and wisdom for President Trump and his team.

  8. Thank you for posting this. It is good that we finally have someone who wants our America to be what it is meant to be!

  9. We need America to be brought back and for our leader to stand strong! Thank you for posting this

  10. Happy to see this post. Praying for President Trump and all the great things he and his staff can do for this Country....First and foremost..."In God we Trust"
