I've taken the time to take photos of my flowers and garden but I never posted them. There were so many of them. With a digital you can click away and not worry about how much it will cost to get to see the picture. It's instant and I click to my heart's content, for at least 5 minutes, lol...
Leaving comments also seems to take all my spare time. I think that I need to go on a fast of blogging for a while, like mini vacations. I know that I'm not alone in thinking this way. So I'm going to stop complaining and JUST DO IT. It's a difficult thing to do to not check up on friends everyday. It almost feel like seeing a friend at the door and not letting them in.
There's my silly husband trying to fool you as to how big is my peonies.
Now this is more like it... I admit that it's pretty healthy. Update on my peonies. The blossoms have come and gone and the patio has been weeded and swept.
This flower bed is hiding a secret. I have some day-lilies in the center and at the ends. The blooms have passed and today I cut back the foliage to let the sun get to my lilies. They are starting to bloom. And my Jackmanii clematis on the shed is covered with purple blossoms.
My astilbes in the front are now starting to fade
I managed to weed around my big rock.
This is the other side. My hostas and day lilies are in full bloom now.
This was my vegetable garden before I weeded. I had done part of a row when I realized that I hadn't taken a picture.
Now the weeding is done and the fence for my cucumbers has been put in place and I picked two large cucumbers today.
My peppers got bigger than in this photo. Everything is growing so fast.
As I weeded around the base of my crab tree I discovered that there was a bird nest in it.
I just showed a few photos of my flowers as I have way too many.
Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment if you have the time. I'm taking a wee break from leaving comments this week as I'm running behind my chores. I'll check your blogs whenever I have a spare moment. I may leave a few comments here and there but please don't be offended if I don't leave a comment on your blog right away. I love you all and you all make my life brighter. Have a safe week and stay cool. JB
Those are some beautiful peonies. Gorgeous deep color. Your gardens look wonderful but it looks like a lot of work. Enjoy your break.
ReplyDeleteI think that is a very cute picture of your husband. Enjoy your break. I will miss you too, but I know sometimes life just takes over. I think your yard looks incredible. I think you should enjoy the summer as in your neck of the woods, winter just goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteI will send you a hug O have a nice blog break,
Hi Julia,
ReplyDeleteI really liked the pic with your husband hiding behind the flowers! And yes you can take a break and not leave comments! ;-)
I hope you feel refreshed and better whenever you "come back" to bloggy land!
Julia, enjoy your summer days, take the time to smell the roses. Your garden's are just beautiful, I am so impressed. Have a wonderful week, we will be here when you return. Sending greetings from Maine, Julie.
ReplyDeleteyour peonys are beautiful! do you put that wonderful cow manure on your gardens? you always make me feel lazy you do so much. glad you are enjoying your flower gardens.
Gosh your flowers, garden and lawn are just beautiful! I don't know how you find time to do it all!!
What a lush garden. I am in awe of those peonies...one of my favorite flowers.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to keep up with the blogging. I love it, but when things get crazy busy, it can be a struggle. I know when we moved and I was off-line for a week, it was overwhelming to get caught up. However, no-one seemed to mind. So, have a great mini-vaca. I'll miss you, but I know you'll be back soon.
ReplyDeleteThanksk for sharing all of your garden photos....that is a lot of work (the gardening)! I think my husband is like you...he works so hard at the garden that he rarely gets the time to just savor it. It's so hot here now that he spends all of his time watering, but I saw him outside with a sketchbook yesterday, so perhaps he's starting to savor the garden now.
I always appreciate your comments on my blog, but never feel like you HAVE to comment. I learned a long time ago that I have GOBS of followers who never comment, and it's cute to run into them and hear them say, "I love your blog"....I'm sure you get that a lot if you go to hook-ins or workshops.
I'm not even sure how you did all that AND blogged! Everything is so colorful and big. My flowers are on their last leg. I'm getting tired of trying to keep them alive.
ReplyDeleteThere are days where I read the blogs and don't have time to leave a comment or just don't know what to say. And I met a woman at a hook in once named Kathleen who said she reads my blog. It was so nice to meet her and hear she enjoyed it.
You enjoy your time away. Keep up with those flowers and vegetables. They look wonderful !!
Julia ~
ReplyDeleteYour flowers are drop dead gorgeous (and your home is lovely!). I don't know how you do it all. Thank you for sharing.
It is so hard to keep up with blogging. Do what you can, don't feel guilty, and we know you'll be "back" when you have the time.
Pug hugs ;)
Hi Julia,
ReplyDeleteYou have a most beautiful house and garden. You certainly deserve the award for hard work!!!
I hope the blogging vacation gives you more time to rest and enjoy the beauties of your flowers.
Please have a good 'time off' and we will be awaiting your return.
Hi Julia, There is so much to do in the summer. Your garden is a beauty and your hubby made me laugh. Those flowers were huge. You have the biggest green thumb!!! Enjoy your summer days!!!!Cheri
ReplyDeleteYou have the most beautiful peonies I have ever seen!
ReplyDeleteNo worries Julia~ we'll still be here when you get back. Eager to see the amazing things you can accomplish when you take a week off blogging... ;)
ReplyDeleteLove your husband!
Blessings, Debbie
What a lovely flowery post, Julia! Everything looks so colorful and tidy. Here it is over 100 degrees every day. I'm watering morning and night, but things are hanging in there and looking pretty good considering. Looking forward to your return to your wonderful blog. You are one blogger who is definitely missed when you take a holiday!
Hi Honey
ReplyDeleteI know exactly how you feel I too am so far behind with my blogging comments and visiting everyone. As anyone that blogs knows how much time it does take so we understand.
I want peonies so bad in my yard especially ones that look as lovely as yours. They are just beautiful. I am not sure if they grow well in our heat but I am hoping to plant some this Oct..
Take care and slow down.
yep....you definitely have a green thumb!
ReplyDeleteSo gorgeous...esp those peonies so heavy
and thick and shining like rubies
on stalks!
Must be all of that rivermist every morning:)
Hope you enjoy these last sips of summer;
it's been a beauty, hasn't it.