About Me

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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


It started when I walked in the barn early this morning. There was a new born calf still wet and another cow laying down moaning continuously. I got the flash light as it was too dark to see well in that area and went to check how she was doing and there was a big water sac showing and her water still had not broken.
The men are never in a hurry when I think that the poor cow needs help. I called my son and he was just waking up and is a bit slow in the morning. My husband and my son finally arrived and pulled the huge bull calf out and are both struggling to lift the heavy slimy calf over the cow's body to have his head hanging downward to drain his lungs. The other calf was a big bull too and was shivering as the mother didn't seemed interested in drying him off. She just kept going around the calf.  Some are good mothers and others haven't got much motherly instinct. The men put the two cows out of the ay so I can tend to the calves. I have these calf jackets to keep the calf warm and I also use some blankets. They can get hypothermia and die if they get too cold.

We got our first fluffy snowfall today and everything looked so magical. I took a few photos for the blog. In the first one, the sky is overcast and shortly after in the other photo the sun was shining.

I fed all the animals in my care and worked until noon cleaning pens for the babies.

After lunch I went back to wash my bottles and I went in the back where the overflow of pregnant cows waiting to give birth and found another baby heifer calf being licked cleaned by two cows. Again I have to call my son to come and check which cow calved and have him bring the new born in.

My calf nursery is full and overflowing and I'm sure that there is probably another calf in the barn being born now. I hate to go out in the cold dark to go check.

It seems that I've been at the barn for most of the day today. We had the rest of the cull cattle picked up today and and the breeding technician was here to breed some cows that were in heat and my husband and the hired hand were doing some renovation with the conveyor grain feeder.

I had to drive to town to get another load of calf feed and just finished around 7:00 o'clock this evening.
I had a nice tender onion soup roast of beef in the oven and my husband just put a few potatoes in the microwave and I opened a can of corn and that was our supper.  So ends my day and tomorrow is another day.   JB


  1. I wasn't nearly as excited about the first dusting of snow as you are. I may have even uttered a few bad words when I saw the flakes. :). Sounds like you will need to expand your nursery.

  2. I'll need to do something soon or give birth control to my cows. Lol Some of the bulls calves will be going on Wednesday and that will make some room. Good news, no new calves this evening. JB

  3. you are a busy calf mommy. You must sleep good at night.

  4. I love your calf story's. You must be exhausted.
    That sounds like a busy day!The snow looks pretty! What a good midwife you are. Cheri

  5. Thanks for your comments Cathy. I do sleep pretty good at night except for my trips to the bathroom and Cheri I'm more new calf spotter and a nurse than a midwife because I only assist and don't pull the calves out except when necessary because of a bad back. JB

  6. Hi Julia,
    Hope the birthing soon slows down for you. Thanks for explaining about the cows! I am glad that yours still get to graze, unlike in our area.
    The wnow is beautiful!!! Love the picture with the river. We are still waiting to see our first flake. Supposedly it may happen later in the week, or maybe the weather person is teasing us.

  7. That was supposed to be SNOW.
    Can't type this morning!

  8. Wow, snow and baby cows. You are one busy lady.
    Baby anythings must be so exciting, along with the hard work.
    No snow here it is 62 degrees this morning. I am not really liking it, I am ready for snow and staying home and rughooking and quilting.

  9. The snow looking though the trees to the river is just beautiful. You really are having a bunch of calves very fast. You poor girl. As my Dad used to say, it is just money hitting the ground. So glad you got a heifer. I wanted to go to classes to learn to AI cows and my Dad when he found out vetoed it so fast. He sent my brother. I am glad I guess now that I didn't learn, but I always was intrigued with blood lines and genetics.
    You are going to be really busy for a bit. Aren't you glad you already have had Thanksgiving?
    Well, try and stay in out of the cold as much as possible.
    Blessings today Julia.

  10. Thanks Pat Katie and Farm Girl for your comments. No new calves this morning which meant that my husband I could make it to breakfast with friends although we were half an hour late and after we went to church. have a great Sunday. JB
