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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sid Roth: "There Was A Demon Inside Of Me!"


  1. A story I wanted to share regarding how new age is really dangerous. It is worth to listen to the whole story.

  2. Big joyful grace to you on your path of discovery as
    you stay curious and lean in listening. God is good all the time. He loves guiding his kids:)
    Big love,

  3. Devils NEED to be exorcised. Stay well, stay safe.

  4. Satan knows are weaknesses and plays on them if we let him. The mind is powerful and we know so little about it but when we choose to use it in ways that invite darkness the adversary will jump at that opportunity. When Jack was in Chiropractic college in Chicago there was a group forming that called themselves "Jews for Jesus". It amazes me that many don't know the Messiah and his loving mercy and grace that is offered for everyone..everyone who will follow him. Have you seen the show "The Chosen"? It's free on You Tube or you can buy the DVD's. It's really good and I think you'd enjoy it. Have a good week Julia!

    1. Yes Yaya, I've seen the Chosen. What a wonderful series. I've seen it on youtube. I highly recommend it to everyone... There are a lot of Jews who are converting to Christianity. They are after all the chosen people in the Scriptures.

  5. Thank you for sharing Julia. I enjoyed this and will share with my husband and boys.
