On Saturday, I attended the rug hook-in, hosted by the Carnegie Rug Hooking group of Rothsay New Brunswick. Kimm mentioned that there were 110 hookers in attendance. I can believe it because the place was packed. Lots of coffee, tea, and sweets. We brought our own lunch and mug and I can assure you, no one left hungry. It was warm and sunny and they couldn't have picked a better day. It was a wonderful way to spend part of Saturday.
I did manage to take some photos as soon as I found a place to park my stuff this time but there were so many people taking pictures of the rugs on display and we had to share the tight space. I tried to move along as fast as I could.
Irises, hooked by Carolyn Simpson, designed by Ohara Koson
Heritage Hooking Guild and Evening Matters group.
South Beach, hooked by Caroline Simpson, designed by Caroline Simpson of Heritage Hooking Guild and Evening Matters
Portuguese Rooster, hooked and designed by Janet Lowery of Loss Time Matters
Sunflowers for Ukraine, hooked by Owttrim Fraser and designed by Les Hookers du Bor De Lo.
Sorry, I couldn't make out the label so I can't give credit to the artist of this beautiful rug. If someone knows the information, please let me know so I can give credit where credit is due.
Sally's Flowers, hooked by Kathrina Ruthledge, ? Carnegie Hooking Group. Not sure of the name's spelling as it was only partially visible.
Little Flower, hooked by Anne Leger, designed by Cindi Gay. Carnegie Hooking Group.
Fallen Angels, hooked and designed by Alan Tibbetts,
The Hatchet Girls, hooked and designed by Paula Weiss from the Carnegie Group.
Snowshoe and mittens hooked and designed by Linda Stockford from Sussex
Covid Hair, hooked and designed by Rebecca Peterson of the Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Three Landscapes, above, designed and hooked by Judy Boudreau from the Carnegie Hooking Group.
My favorite rug , Horses, hooked by Bev Monaghan, from a photo, Sussex .

Male Cardinal, hooked by Jerry Boudreau designed by Debbie--- Carnegie Rug Hooker group.
Chickadee on the Hand, designed and hooked by Judy Boudreau, Carnegie Rug Hooking Group
Shediac Island, hooked by Marielle Poirier, Grade Digue.
Hooked by Judy Boudreau. I could not read the rest of the information on the label.
Windflower, hooked by Judy Boudreau and designed by Debbie Leonard, Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Celtic, hooked by Mary Mason and designed by David Robert of Fredericton.
Basket of Blueberries, hooked by Glenda Cameron of the Sussex TeaRoom Rug Hookers, designed by Judith Hotchkiss, Deer Island Maine.
Tulip flowers for Salley, Hooked by Jean McBride, Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Sky Class, hooked by Kathryn Rutherford, designed by Dwight Gallagher, Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Grampa's Barn, designed and hooked by Jane Anderson of Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Robin in Spring, designed and hooked by Joan McBride, Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Poinsettia, hooked by Joan McBride from a free pattern in Rug Hooking Magazine. Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Saints Rest Sandpipers, hooked by Louise Gould, inspired by a design on Wayfair. Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
Bubble Buddies, Linda Sto. of Sussex ? Sorry, I couldn't read the cut off lable.
New Beginning, designed and hooked by Gwen Henry, CarnegieRug Hooking group.
hooked by Gwen Henry, Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
A long runner with medallions, hooked by Jaquie Poirier. late 1800 pattern unknown. Moncton.
Flowers, hooked by Anne Leger, a Diane Fitzpatrick design. Carnegie Rug Hooking Group.
New Brunswick Flag, Hooked by Diana Reid, of the Sussex Tea Room group.
This large rug was a welcome piece as we entered to register. There was no label on it.
I apologize if I've misspelled names. Thanks for visiting and please leave a comment.