About Me

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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Thursday, November 28, 2019


HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my American friends.
I hope that your bellies are filled and that you all have your stretchy pants on.

I had uploaded a very short song video of " Mary Did you Know", but it said that it wasn't available for some reason.

Hugs, Julia


  1. Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving too Julia! Janice

  2. I hope your Thanksgiving was lovely. (loved your line about the stretchy pants.)

  3. Thank you for your best wishes.
    Big hugs :)

  4. Happy thanksgiving! I'll be wearing my stretchy pants for a few days. Our bellies are definitely full and much to be thankful for each and every year.

  5. Thank you my dear friend. Blessings to you as we prepare our hearts for the Christmas season.

  6. Ours was a bit out of the ordinary but I did enjoy the quiet of having yesterday and today off work! Got some shopping done and hopefully will be getting more done tomorrow. Jack will have his surgery on Thursday and I'll probably be doing the rest of my shopping on line! Have a great weekend!

  7. Julia I LOVE that song!! I now have it in my head just reading the title. I tear up every time I hear that song. As for Thanksgiving dinner, yes I did wear stretchy pants and ate plenty. The walk the following day made me feel better about what I ate haha. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and now.....on to Christmas!

  8. Thank you Julia! I think Thanksgiving is just about my favorite holiday! And although the video didn't post for you, I LOVE that song!

  9. Hi Julia, how you doing? Drop by to say hello and my warmest regards to you. Cheers.

  10. I love Mary did you know? We sang it for our Advent carol service and my song that I composed this year was inspired by it.x

  11. Wishing you a happy new year Julia. I do hope that you are well.xx

  12. Hope your holdiays were yummy and bright, dear Julia; sometimes those special days are anything but. Prayers that this new year (decade!) brings you your sweetest days so far. And may all your days be peace:)
    - Jennifer

  13. Hey. You have been on my mind. Hoping all is well. Hugs and love my friend.

  14. Just checking in. I do hope you are ok.
