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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Friday, July 31, 2020


The deers have been coming around to nibble on my beet tops the other night but haven't returned to pull my beets since I've been putting the Irish Spring soap around the gardens. I may get some beets after all.
The deers haven't touched any of my brassicas and I have a lot of Kale in my garden.  My husband is dehydrating some and I made some Kale soup today. It was delicious and he expects me to make some more in the near future.

Not everything is doom and gloom and now to share some of my blooms, here are some pictures for you to enjoy for now. I left many other daylilies out as my picture card is full in my camera.

A serendipity miniature sunflower that grew under the bird feeder. I thought of Rick Watson, a blogger friend who passed away just recently. This one is for you Rick. We miss you.

My daylilies are in full blooms now but I will take more photos later. This is enough for now.

These daylilies are called Toltec Dial. A prolific bloomer.

                                           Siloam Fancy Dress

                                         May May

                                        Rainbow Gold

 This  daylily, I don't have a name and I think it one that self-propagated,

                                  Absolute Zero Daylily

                                           New Note Daylily

                                         Fountain Tune Daylily

                                          An old fashion one. I don't know the name.

                                         Arthur More Daylily

                                          Gay Cravat Daylily

                                         Siloam Bo Peep

                                           Rudbeckias, ( last year's picture)


                                              Chicago Apache

I'm taking a break from Blogger and social media entertainment until August 21 to take part in the David fasting with the Shalom Media group with special intentions to save humanity from the deadly plague of Covid-19, in reparation for the sins committed by us and our families, to strengthen all the evangelization efforts of bringing Jesus to the ends of the earth, to prepare the Catholic Church to embrace a new Pentecost.
This David fasting is led by Rev. Roy Varghese Palatty, CMI, spiritual director of Salom Media. I will be checking my blog for scam only.
Stay well and safe.
Hugs, Julia


  1. Taking a break can be good and I do hope all our prayers are being heard and this virus will run it's course and we can take all the good we've learned from this, throw away all the negative and move forward with more hope in Christ. Blessings to you Julia and thank you for the beauty of your flowers today!

  2. Beautiful flowers! It’s easy to see the rewards of your hard work! Take care!

  3. Your flowers are beautiful! Glad you got the deer to stay away.

  4. Thank you for these beautiful blooms.
    Rick is missed world wide.
    Take care.

  5. Your daylilies are so pretty and I am impressed that you know the names of most of them!

  6. One of my fav flowers ere the day lilies. I loved taking the stamen of one and placing it in another one to get a different color one the next year. No room in this yard to do that now. Janice

  7. Your lilies are gorgeous, Julia!

  8. Blessings and prayers for your personal retreat.
    May your soul and spirit be renewed from prayer.
    When you return to the computer...tell us more about your kale soup recipe.
    Take care.

  9. Thats a good idea, Blessings to you.

  10. Your flowers are beautiful! They are so frilly and pretty and such vivid colours! I am glad that the deer seem to have been put off by the soap! I hope you get lots of beets! When you say the kale was dehydrated, does it go crispy?
    I hope that your break from social media and Blogger is fruitful for you spiritually.

  11. Beautiful lily and I now have the names for some of mine.Ha!
    Praying with you my friend!
