About Me

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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Monday, December 6, 2010


 I got an email from my daughter and she wanted to know if I was interested in going to the MARITIME FIBER ART RETREAT at the ATLANTICA HOTEL  & MARINA OAK ISLAND RESORT in Nova Scotia, near Mahone Bay on April 1-3, 2010.

She went with a friend last year and had a blast. She brought her spinning wheel and spinned to her heart content. There were over 100 fiber art people there doing their things.

So I registered and will be going with my hooking stuff and I hope to meet some of my bloggers  and / or my Rug Hooking Daily online friends there.  I have booked a room and so far I'm alone.   My daughter has  previously booked a room with her friend but we will be traveling together...

 The hotel registration  number is 1-800-565-5075
 The notice was sent by Sharon

I was wondering if anyone has been there or are planning on going.

On a sour note, some of my calves have scours and I have no idea how it has spread through my nursery. They have been treated with a vaccine for scours at birth and I usually get one or two with scours around the 11th day. I give them some medicine and it usually works real fast for the majority of them. This time the virus seems  a bit stronger. Several are starting to drink some milk again and seem to be getting better.
 I was going to move them to clean pens but will wait until they get better so their little pens stays clean longer.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comments.  JB


  1. good for you some time for fun. I have never been and know nothing about it.
    sorry about the calf'

  2. Sounds like fun! Sorry about calves,Cheri

  3. I am so happy for you, You will have so much fun hooking with your friends. It is on my someday list. :) Scours in calves is the worst. I am so sorry. I hope they get well soon. Not to mention the cleanup. Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me. It maybe got to me as it was only a year ago that so much happened. You know a perfect storm. :) I feel better now though, especially, that it has happened to other people. I am glad I shared it because of course I thought I was the only one. :)

  4. Julia ~
    What fun! I've never been to a retreat either.
    I hope the calves are on the mend. I grew up on a small farm and we did have a cow or two (my Dad milked them), but I'm sorry to admit I have no idea what scours are.
    Hugs :)

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments. I'm sure I'll have fun. I'll try to remember to take my camera along so I can share a bit of the fun with you.

    Kim, I'm so sorry that your mom suffered before passing so close to Christmas and it's already her passing anniversary. It leaves it marks. I hope that you take comfort in knowing that she's at peace with our Lord and is smiling over you with joy at how well you turned out.

    Don't worry about loosing followers, it's their lost. You have so many already anyway.

    Congratulations Lauren on winning the Dog Trot give away today, and thanks for your kind comment. Scours is bad diarrhea in calves. If not treated they can quickly die of dehydration. I give them a solution of electrolyte in water and they usually love it except when they are really sick, they refuse to drink it and have to be forced fed with a long tube down their throat. JB

  6. The retreat sounds wonderful! Hope the babies get better soon!

  7. I have been to many hooking workshops but never a retreat. Sounds like lots of fun. I know that with your tender loving care the calfs will be well soon.

  8. Sorry to hear about the calves. Hopefully you got to them in time. You really do put in alot of hours and heart felt care for you animals.
    Your trip to Nova Scotia sounds like great fun. I am sure you will meet lots of rug hookers there.

  9. I've never heard of this retreat. I'll have to snoop around on line for more information. The location is awesome. If you have never been down that way you will love it. Chester and Mahone Bay are two of the prettiest little villages you will ever see.
    Sorry about the scours. Not fun!

  10. Julia I am loosing my mind. I sent you a email this morning asking you about your site. Duh...I get so many mixed up here lately. I am worried about my brain or lack of it.
    I remember now how I loved your work. A retreat sounds wonderful to me. I hope you go and enjoy

  11. Thanks Karen, Doris,Katie and Grandma Yellow Hair. I inquired from my daughter about this retreat and she said that there are no program, you just work at your own thing and you can go out on the beach and walk around. She said that she had so much fun that her and her friend are going back in April. I might be able to get some progress on my rug.

    Kim, I would love to see you there at the Retreat. I'm sure that we would have a great time. I would love to share my room with you. I had the FWD email that my daughter sent me and I was going to send it to you but I accidently J deleted it forever. I couldn't retrieve it from the trash..


  12. If you want I can resend the e-mail and you can forward it. And It was actually 60 people not 100. The spinning retreat in PEI was the one with 100. My mistake, sorry!

  13. OK Jackie, that would be nice if you could resend the FWD. Thanks. JB

  14. Hi Julia,
    You will LOVE the retreat. I was there last year, and am going again this year. I go as a "Day" visitor, as I live 5 mins down the road. Sharon and Richard and the sweetest will have a fantastic time. Can't wait to see you there!
    Sara B (from RHD!)
