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I'm a mother of four grandmother of seven and great grandmother of three. I live with my husband in the house that we built with the help of my brothers and will have been married for 57 years this February.

Friday, September 30, 2022


A little splash of color from my phlox

 Why has posting on my blog become worst than going to the dentist? I have no idea. I feel that even though I've been busy, busy, busy, I have nothing for my blog. I haven't taken any pictures because I've kept my nose to the grind. Julia is a very dull girl... lol

I've bottled almost 300 bottles of pickles, veggies, and jams yet it feels like it's not interesting enough to share so I didn't take any photos. We made $3200.00 with our Farmers Market in only 3 hours.  It was a lot of work to prepare but also a lot of fun too. No pictures...

I usually can keep my gardens reasonably free of weeds but not this summer. Now I'm cleaning out the large daylily bed which has become weedy in places and looked like a jungle. I'm three-quarters done. No pictures...

My hip continues to give me a bit of a problem but I'm managing quite well just the same. I'm Ok if I don't overdo it.

 My son Vaughan, has mowed my lawn for most of August and September with the large sit-on mower but is too wide for certain spots in my yard.  My lawnmower cord has become stuck and I need to bring it to the repair shop but need some help to load it up in the trunk of my vehicle.  In the meantime, I've been using my weed wacker to cut the tall grass. One big branch fell on my shed and I'm waiting for it to be taken down and cut for firewood. The branch fell after Fiona had passed. No pictures...

We were very lucky that Fiona was kind to us and I feel bad about all those who have lost property and lives. So much destruction over a wide area. Our diocese is collecting money for the Red Cross appeal to help in the relief efforts for Hurricane Fiona in Canada for victims. The government of Canada will match the amount collected by our diocese. 

That's all for now. Take care and stay well and safe.


  1. You have been super busy. And productive. I am not surprised you haven't found time to blog - though I mourn for you as well as for us that there are no photos.
    Take care, and look after you.
    I am glad that Fiona was kind to you, which she was not to far too many people.

  2. You may have had no pictures, yet you painted some nice ones with your words. I am sure all your many followers would love to see pictures of pickles, veggies, and jams. I know I would and might be inspired to do better in that department myself. Wow, on that $3200. You certainly earned every penny of it with your sweat and hard work. My sore hip sends get well wishes to yours. :/

  3. You are a hard working strong woman and that $3200 is proof in the uh, pickles, lol. Sometimes blogging seems like a job in itself so no need to apologize since you have been quite busy. Glad Fiona was kinder to you but God help those in Florida.

  4. Wow Julia that is amazing sales!!!!and yes you have been busy!

  5. I am so glad Fiona was good to you. I was praying for you and Kim and then I saw that destruction. My son and his family just made it through Ian yesterday. I am so thankful that it missed them. I haven't blogged either. No clue why, I just don't have any pictures either. I am so glad you posted though. I need to get back into it.

  6. Julia is NOT a dull girl!
    You have canned and bottled so much. I am tired just thinking of all that work. I am happy the farmers' market worked out so well for you.
    I am glad Fiona did not cause you grief and my heart aches for those affected. And what Ian did to Florida. So very sad.

  7. I can empathize completely on the blogging front. Most usually I could blog about almost anything...but lately, yikes. I am just empty. It's always a warning sign to me that the "ugly" in my world is overshadowing the beauty, so I need to try to pull myself out of that increasingly dark hole. You may not have a ton of photos, but those phlox more than compensate for quantity. So vibrant! I don't have much luck with phlox here for some reason. Growing up, they grew like weeds it seemed...but here they barely survive let alone thrive. Glad you were spared the ravages of seems you have enough on your plate without that. ~Robin~ (TheCrankyCrow)

  8. I was wondering if Fiona was going to affect you. So glad not much damage for you. I feel so bad for those that were and also those in Florida now with hurricane Ian. Love the color of your phlox. All I can say is WOW on the canning goods with the quantity you did. Janice

  9. I’m sorry about that hip Julia. Dare I say you do too much? I’d love to purchase some canned goods for the cause and for me. I’ll email.

  10. You never let grass grow under your feet Julia! I'm sorry it grows in spots on the lawn that require extra effort to control! You sure are a busy gal and photos aren't necessary when we really just want to hear that you're doing good and all's well up North. I'm glad you didn't get damage from Fiona. My friends are on a cruise up the East coast and Canada. I wish I was there too! My family in Florida have made it through Hurricane Ian but have some damage to deal with as they live in Fort Myers and Cape Coral. I guess my Nephew lost half his house. October is here and it's always my favorite month so I'll send my Fall love up to you. Congrats on the Farmer's Market success! That's a great return in 3 hours! Have a good Sunday Julia!

  11. You are a good story teller, so pictures are not always necessary. And how busy you have been, I really admire you. I don't know anyting about any of the things you are so good at. And, I must confess I would have loved to see all those bottles and jars.

  12. You have been busy Julia & your blog shows just how much! Congrats on the Farmer's Market, I know how much goes into making your own food & preserving it. I just did our concord grapes this year & froze the rest of my small garden. I hope your hip mends & releives you of the pain & discomfort that comes from it. Your body is telling you to slow down even if your mind is telling you different. Take the time to heal Julia. The weather is crazy everywhere in the world right now & we were spared this time at the shore. My son was here pet sitting for me & said the waves came up over the breaker wall & 1/2 way up the lawn. The lawn shows salt burns over 1/2 of it. Mother Nature has such strength but to hit on a high tide & a full moon, it was the worse. Hurricane season still has two months left & I hope it is a calm one for all. Take care Julia. Hugs, Cynthia

  13. Wonderful that your hard work on all of your produce sold well! I hope your hip calms down and you feel better. So good you did not have storm damage. So many do suffer from storms throughout the year! Wishing you lovely days ahead!

  14. Wishing you well for your hop problem. How wonderful that you sold your produce and makings well! It is worth all of the hard work! Wishing you clear skies and lovely autumn days!

  15. Hello Julia, I hope you are doing well. I was over joyed to read how much money you made in just three hours, a true blessing.
    Take Care,

  16. I would have loved to see the bottles of goodies you canned and also I do enjoy your garden. How can you think it's boring for us? Take care and be safe.
